(or being paid to help writers)
Who are we?
Plumavitae is a literary agency platform that aims to bring authors, readers, and publishers together in new and innovative ways.
Founded in 2017, our company first developed and flourished in French-speaking countries. Today, we strive to bring the very best of our experience and services to the anglophone world of writing.
We believe that in order to help and guide our authors, we must work together as a team of beta readers and proofreaders (The Brigade), offering each a different angle and expertise. And, above all, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to acquire an agent who will work with them until they have written a book worth publishing.
This idea came to Kevin Bilingi, French author and entrepreneur, after spending some time helping fellow writers on various forums. There are literary diamonds out on the internet, and Kevin, who works under the humorous alias ‘Kev’Angi, the Hungry Tyrant’, is determined to unearth these gemstones and help cut them into the jewels they are meant to be
What do we believe in?
The future bestsellers will come from the Internet
For us, the Internet is a breeding ground for talents but the Publisher can’t find and manage all of them. (e.g. the success of After in 2016, self-published on Wattpad at the beginning of the booming self-publishing books)
We can redefine the values of the Book World
At Plumavitae, all the members believe in three core values:
- BENEVOLENCE: because a positive environment is needed for better creating
- AUDACITY: because we believe that the nowadays authors can challenge the big stars with unique novels and are entrepreneurs. We are here to coach artists like the incubators help startuppers
- TRANSPARENCY: because your opinion as a reader count and is the key to change young chick into Phoenix with blazing feathers.
How does it work?
I want to be a beta-reader
To do so, we train and pay the Brigadier, an army of Beta-Readers that will give reviews to young writers in their free time. Each time they send a critic they receive points tradable against gift cards or money.
I want to be helped by Plumavitae
To pay them, Plumavitae propose affordable subscriptions :
- Plumavitae One: against 1% of your royalties, get access to the platform and finally a connexion with our publishers and agencies’ network. Before entering to the platform, you will have a test.
- Phoenix Program: pay 5€/per month (without engagement) plus 5% of your royalties to get premium access to the platform and a personal coach.
- Plumavitae Plus: pay 7€/per month (without engagement) to get premium access to the platform and a personal coach. No royalties asked.
Get the Beta-Pass
The Rocket Plumavitae comes soon in the English-speaking world! Get on board! Or ask questions to kevin.bilingi@plumavitae.co.
May the Quill be with you
Kev’Angi the Hungry Tyrant